You are not alone.
Our lives are spent in a journey to find God—a journey with lots of peaks and valleys. We experience God at home, at work, at school, while shopping, in church, in community service, and in prison.
Everyone is welcome and invited to join us in ministries of service, worship, education and prayer to experience the fullness of joy through faith in Jesus Christ.
Check out this video overview of ULCSC!
Connecting to God.
The sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion are at the center of worship.
And we love music!
Choir music. Organ music. Band music. Singing.
We love music and are blessed with so many talented musicians from our community!
Click here to see more about how music brings added joy to worship.
Connecting to each other.
No one knew how fast our Styrofoam Station would grow—people have dropped off over 900 bags of food/drink and packaging that we’ve delivered to a recyling operation in Ada.
Click here to learn how you can be part of the Green Team, our growing environmental stewardship ministry and some of the others listed below:
We use our expanded fellowship hall and commercial kitchen to prepare meals and collect food items for several local pantries.
We are members of a five-church coalition to assist resettling refugees and asylees.
We cut and sew quilts shipped to women in developing countries to cradle their children and sell items in order to feed their families.